Adjunct Faculty Access to Library Electronic Resources

All adjunct faculty members can access the University Library’s electronic databases and journals (e-resources) on premises at the Bastyr Libraries. Adjunct faculty must have an active University email account in order to request off-site access to the library’s e-resources.

To request off-site access to e-resources, adjunct faculty members must contact the library from their University email account. Within two business days, the library will respond with a form to complete and return; access will be activated within five calendar days. If a request for off-site access is not approved, a librarian will contact the adjunct faculty member to discuss the reasons and identify other resources that may assist the faculty member in her/his scholarly pursuits.

The earliest off-site access to e-resources will be provided is week five of the quarter prior to the one in which the adjunct faculty member is scheduled to teach. Unless teaching in consecutive quarters, off-site access will be discontinued within 10 days after the quarter ends. See paragraph above for steps to reactivate access when/if the adjunct faculty member is scheduled to teach again.

Discontinuing off-site access to the library’s e-resources does not impact access to University email, which is active for one year after the end of the last quarter the adjunct faculty member taught.