AY9507 Ayurvedic Jyotish II (Medical Astrology)

This course provides an entry-level ability to analyze the elements of a jyotish (astrology) chart from the standpoint of ayurvedic causative factors and how to apply the analysis toward beneficial recommendations for the patient. Examples of combinations of grahas (planets), rasis (astrological signs), bhavas (houses), rulers and influencers of the bhavas, lagna (ascendant), nakshashtras (constellations), mahadashas (phases) and bhuktis (timing) and their influence on dosha (bodily humor), gunas (attributes/qualities), are explored within a medical context. Consideration is given to the general meanings and significance of these various aspects within the context of the uniqueness of a particular chart and what the owner of the chart has done in life to enhance strengths or exacerbate challenges to one’s health and well-being.




