Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design

Mission: The Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design program allows students to build upon their knowledge of medicinal and edible plants and apply this knowledge to building sustainable landscape solutions that benefit the earth and the human community.

The courses in the Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design program are offered on evenings and weekends. The program instructs students on permaculture concepts and cultivation of medicinal and edible plants. Students who complete the program will be able to develop sustainable landscapes that benefit the environment and provide utilitarian resources for the community as a whole.


Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. Prior to enrolling, students must have completed 90 quarter credits (60 semester credits) of college-level coursework.

In order to be prepared for the concepts covered in the holistic landscape design program, coursework in the following areas is strongly recommended:

  • Biology – basic biological concepts desired, covering cell and plant biology, no labs required
  • Chemistry – survey-level to cover general inorganic and organic concepts, no labs required
  • Introduction to Botany – basic plant morphology and physiology, classification, plant evolution, and ecology, no labs required
  • Public Speaking coursework or experience
  • General Education material to round out the 90 college credits, including some Humanities, English, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

Expected Learning Outcomes

Following are the learning objectives for students in the holistic landscape design program:

  • Ability to create a landscape design that enhances the natural landscape and reflects the health of all of the beings that utilize it, as well as the health of the planet
  • Apply sustainable landscape measures creatively, designing for biodiversity, therapeutic utility and aesthetics
  • Integrate permaculture techniques and principles for sustainably modifying land and implementing designs
  • Understand importance and elements of soil science and how to utilize this knowledge in horticultural methods
  • Enhance knowledge of practices that support seasonal and sustainable cultivation of food and medicinal plants
  • Practice therapeutic plant propagation and cultivation from native and analogue climates for landscape design as well as nursery or market production

The curriculum tables that follow list the tentative schedule of courses each quarter.



BO4123Soil Ecology




BO4131Permaculture 1


BO4141Medicinal and Edible Plants in the Landscape 1


Total Credit Hours:6


BO4132Permaculture 2


BO4135Organic Greenhouse and Nursery Management


BO4137Horticulture Research and Grant Writing


BO4142Medicinal and Edible Plants in the Landscape 2


Total Credit Hours:6


BO4124Introduction to Biodynamic Agriculture


BO4133Permaculture 3


BO4143Medicinal and Edible Plants in the Landscape 3


Total Credit Hours:6


BO4134Organic Seed Production


BO4138Biointensive IPM and Plant Health


BO4139Permaculture in a Global Context


BO4144Horticultural Business Practices


BO4810Holistic Landscape Design Practicum


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Requirements

Total Core Course Credits 24
Total Elective Credits    2
Total Requirements  26

Curriculum and course changes in the 2016-2017 Bastyr University Catalog are applicable to students entering during the 2016-2017 academic year. Please refer to the appropriate catalog if interested in curriculum and courses required for any other entering year.

Current botanical medicine department electives: Appalachia Field Course*, Asian Medicinal Plant Horticulture, Botanical Studies in Costa Rica*, Cascade Herb Experience, Clinical Formulations and Applications of Botanical Medicine, Clinical Pharmacognosy, Flower Essences, Food and Medicinal Mushrooms, Foundations of Aromatic Medicine, Herbal Medicine in Italy*, Herbal Medicine throughout Oregon, Herbal Medicine Making for All**, Herbs and Ayurvedic Medicine, Introduction to Gemmotherapy, Plant Identification and Medicinal Field Botany, Plants in Ceremony, Organic Gardening, and Southwest Herbal Experience*.

CHLD courses that can be taken as electives for other programs: Biointensive IPM and Plant Management, Horticultural Business Practices, Horticultural Research and Grant Writing, Intro to Biodynamic Agriculture, Mycology, Organic Greenhouse and Nursery Management, Organic Seed Production, and Soil Ecology.

*These field courses run every other year.

**Not available as an elective for HS students due to content being covered in core program courses.