Department of Ayurvedic Sciences


Based on 5,000-year-old medical traditions of India, ayurvedic practices predate written records and were handed down via oral tradition. Ayurveda combines the Sanskrit words for life (ayur) and science or knowledge (veda) and translates into “the science of life.” Ayurvedic medicine is a complete system of medical therapies that focuses on preventive and rejuvenative therapies to balance body, mind and soul. Ayurveda includes a variety of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities such as nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, massage therapy and other forms of bodywork, internal cleansing and immune system support. Ayurveda may also be described as the original natural medicine. However, ayurveda is different from other CAM modalities since it employs an entire system of unique diagnostic, preventive and disease management tools and practices.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the ayurvedic sciences master’s program will have the skills to:

  • Assess an individual’s prakruti (balanced state) and vikruti (imbalanced state).
  • Advise preventive measures using dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on ayurvedic principles of the prakruti/vikruti paradigm.
  • Do a complete clinical assessment using ayurvedic methods including pulse diagnosis to determine patient’s current imbalances.
  • Manage and treat disease using ayurvedic principles including diet, lifestyle, therapeutic herbs and formulations, ayurvedic cleansing and detoxification (panchakarma), yoga therapy, and other measures to achieve balance at physical, psychological and spiritual levels.
  • Understand ayurvedic principles of disease etiology and pathogenesis to effectively treat as well as manage disease.
  • Understand and integrate Western anatomy, physiology and pathology to be effectively functioning as an integrated medical specialist and participate in patient management as a team member.