Transfer of Credit to Bastyr University

Transfer credit may be granted from institutions that are accredited by regional accrediting agencies recognized by the American Council on Education Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation and from institutions accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) and Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC). Students who apply to Bastyr University with credit from schools outside of the U.S. are required to obtain international transcripts assessed by an evaluation service recognized by Bastyr University. Credits from schools outside the U.S. are evaluated according to nationally established norms.

For courses taken prior to matriculation into Bastyr University, transfer credit can only be granted within the first year of attendance.

For validation of coursework that is not transferable because the level of the material or the accreditation of the credit-granting institution is not appropriate, please refer to the policy and procedures governing competency examinations elsewhere in this manual.

For validation of knowledge of subject matter learned in non-academic settings, please refer to the policy and procedures governing challenge examinations elsewhere in this manual.

If an enrolled student wishes to complete a program requirement at another institution with the intent to transfer credit for that course to Bastyr, s/he should submit for advance approval a petition to waive, substitute or transfer credits along with a description of the course s/he wishes to complete elsewhere. Courses submitted for transfer that have not received prior approval are not guaranteed transferability.

Undergraduate Transfer Credit

Bastyr University accepts for transfer undergraduate credits earned at any regionally accredited college or university, provided the courses are similar in content and level as those taught at Bastyr University or satisfies the basic proficiency and science or general education requirements for an undergraduate degree. Undergraduate students may also transfer through the ACE Alternative Credit project up to 45 lower-division General Education credits. Transfer credit determinations are made at the time of admission to Bastyr University. Students should review the University’s evaluation of their credits and, if necessary, file a petition to waive, substitute or transfer credits for any course in question before they begin their first quarter at Bastyr University.

Earned credits of any age (with a minimum grade of C or 2.00) may be transferred toward bachelor’s degree completion requirements in satisfaction of basic proficiency and science or general education requirements in the following areas:

English literature or composition

Public speaking

College-level algebra *

General cell biology with lab

General chemistry (science major level with lab)

General psychology

Introductory nutrition



* Intermediate algebra is not considered college level, and credits taken will not transfer toward degree completion

Earned credits of any age (with a grade of D or 1.00 or better) may be transferred toward bachelor’s degree completion requirements in satisfaction of general education requirements in the following areas:

Arts and humanities

Natural sciences and mathematics

Social sciences (health sciences only)


Physical education activity and skill classes are limited to three credits in transfer. Courses of a vocational-technical nature may be transferred up to a maximum of 15 quarter credits. These courses must be numbered 100 or above and must have value within the degree that the student is seeking at Bastyr University. 

The maximum number of transfer credits acceptable for any undergraduate student entering Bastyr University is 135 quarter credits. No more than 90 of those credits may be from a community college, with the following exception: an additional ten credits may be accepted from a community college in the following areas if the content of the courses in question is determined to be equivalent to the required courses at Bastyr University:

Organic chemistry

Anatomy and physiology



Developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology and psychology of personality

Courses taken at other accredited institutions beyond the maximum transferable credits will be waived if they satisfy degree requirements, but credit will not be granted and total degree requirements will not be reduced. The elective credit requirement will be increased by the amount so recognized.

A minimum of 45 quarter credits must be completed at Bastyr University. Students must meet all prerequisites, general education, program and elective requirements regardless of the number of credits that are accepted in transfer.

Graduate and Professional Transfer Credit

(revised 020717)

Graduate and professional students may be awarded transfer credit for coursework at the graduate level (typically numbered 500 or above) from other accredited institutions with a minimum grade of C or 2.00. Graduate and professional students wishing to transfer coursework to Bastyr University must submit a petition to waive, substitute or transfer credits for each course in question to the advising/evaluation staff in the registrar’s office.

Courses satisfying any graduate program requirements customarily have requirements regarding currency and will be evaluated in that context before the student’s admission to Bastyr University.

The maximum number of transfer credits acceptable for most graduate students entering Bastyr University is 20 percent of the credits required for the degree. For these students, a minimum of 80 percent of the graduate degree requirements must be completed at Bastyr University. 

For students entering Bastyr University’s naturopathic medicine program at the Kenmore campus from an institution accredited by CNME, the maximum number of transferable credits is 40 percent of the total credits required for the ND degree. For naturopathic medicine students at the Kenmore campus, a minimum of 60 percent of the ND degree credit requirements must be completed at Bastyr University. Students transferring from a CNME-accredited institution are still subject to transcript evaluation for course equivalency and all other transfer and program admission requirements. For other students entering the Naturopathic Medicine program or any other doctoral program at the Kenmore campus, no more than one third of the total number of credits may be accepted for transfer credit.

For students entering Bastyr University’s naturopathic medicine program at the San Diego campus, the maximum number of transferable credits is 45 quarter credits according to standards established by the California Bureau of Private and Postsecondary Education (BPPE). Students transferring are subject to transcript evaluation for course equivalency and all other transfer and program admission requirements. 

Students must meet all prerequisite, program and elective requirements regardless of the number of credits that are accepted in transfer. More information regarding program prerequisites and credits is available in the University’s catalog; information on elective credit is located elsewhere in this manual.