
Didactic Training


The MSAS program requires a total of eight credits of program specific electives. These credits include additional ayurvedic courses such as Vedic astrology, Vedic Vastu and additional yoga therapy work.

If not enrolled in the Master of Science in Ayurvedic Sciences program, students must meet prerequisite requirements to take courses within the MSAS curriculum for elective credit.

India Internship

MSAS students have the option of completing their final three clinical rotations in India. Students travel to India to work as interns with experienced ayurvedic clinicians in ayurvedic clinics and hospitals. Students have the opportunity to learn by observing, assisting and discussing with expert clinicians. They practice the art and science of history taking and constitution questionnaire evaluation, as well as practice the skills of physical observation and physical examination. They practice how to use the above skills for effective evaluation of constitution and imbalance and put together a comprehensive individualized ayurvedic treatment plan. Every student intern is under the guidance of a clinical supervisor who supervises individual cases, monitors progress and assures completion of all required hours and reporting.

Clinical Training

The program concentrates on training clinically oriented ayurvedic practitioners. The core of this training takes place at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, the University’s teaching clinic. Bastyr Center is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary clinic providing quality training for students in all of the University’s programs.

The clinical training program begins in the first year when students complete observation shifts at local preceptor sites with seasoned ayurvedic practitioners. Students begin clinical rotations at Bastyr Center for Natural Health in the summer quarter of their first year, under the supervision of expert faculty. Students are required to complete a total of 9 clinical rotations.

Students are also trained to understand modern research methodology and conduct research from an ayurvedic perspective.