School of Traditional World Medicines

Administrators of Traditional World Medicines

Lynelle Golden, PhD, Dean

Angela Tseng, DAOM, Chair, Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine

Kathleen Lumiere, DAOM, Program Director, Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Angie Jordan, MBA, Program Supervisor

Kerri Tenniswood, Program Coordinator

Sharon Green, Administrative Assistant


Bastyr University recognizes many traditional and indigenous approaches to health and well-being that have existed for centuries, including acupuncture and East Asian medicine. 

Bastyr University is charting a path toward expanding education in other international healing sciences that have been fulfilling humankind’s medical and wellness needs for millennia. As different world medicines gain popularity in America, the University is uniquely positioned to teach a variety of respected, time-honored healing traditions. In keeping with Bastyr’s mission to transform the well-being of the human community, the school expands existing awareness of how wellness is achieved and maintained while preparing its students to deliver truly comprehensive health care.

Programs Offered: