Bastyr Undergraduate Programs

Mission Statement for Undergraduate Programs

The mission of the Bastyr University bachelor’s degree completion programs is to help each student build a strong foundation of basic knowledge and skills, as well as foster a greater understanding of health of body, mind, and spirit.

Vision Statement for Undergraduate Programs

Bastyr University bachelor’s degree completion programs provide students with opportunities to develop competency in basic skills, such as written and verbal communication, critical thinking, and the ability to work cooperatively with others. The degree completion programs also provide students with opportunities to develop competency in the fundamental theories, models, core knowledge, and skills of their major field of study.

The degree completion programs uniquely emphasize the importance of holism and the natural health arts and sciences. The programs provide students with opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the interconnections between body, mind, and spirit, and learn to foster wellness in themselves and others through approaches found in the natural health arts and sciences.

Undergraduate Education at Bastyr University

As Bastyr University continues to develop undergraduate degree offerings, we strive to maintain consistency across all programs in terms of admissions requirements, shared courses, double majors, and undergraduate student support. The undergraduate experience at Bastyr encompasses a range of academic programs, which are coordinated by the Undergraduate Committee. Admissions requirements, the structure of interdisciplinary courses, double majors, and general policy issues affecting undergraduates are all considered by this committee. The Undergraduate Committee works closely with the admissions office to ensure that applicants who meet all basic criteria are admitted to the University and to the undergraduate program of their choice.

The Undergraduate Majors

Health Psychology 

Health Psychology - Premedicine

Herbal Sciences 

Integrated Human Biology 


Nutrition and Culinary Arts 

Nutrition and Exercise Science 

Full-Time Expectations

The undergraduate curricula are designed for full-time participants. Students may complete a program on a part-time basis but should recognize that there may be scheduling conflicts between required courses. It is the responsibility of a student who wishes to complete a program on a part-time basis to work with an advisor to arrange an appropriate schedule. Special sections will not be offered to accommodate the needs of part-time students.

Double Majors for Undergraduate Students

Bastyr University will allow students to complete two majors, provided students are in good standing at the time they wish to declare their second major. The second major cannot be declared until the second quarter of attendance. However, students may start attending courses required for the second major in their first quarter of attendance. Students must submit a declaration of double major form to the registrar’s office at the time the major is declared. Students are required to have their program of study approved by the appropriate chair(s) and/or dean(s) at the time the double major is declared.

There are no predetermined schedules for the double majors. It is the student’s responsibility to create appropriate schedules for double major combinations. Students must meet quarterly with the undergraduate advisor in the registrar’s office for assistance in tracking the progress of the two majors.

Students are advised that declaring a double major will increase the amount of time it takes to graduate. The minimum amount of time to complete any double major is three years. If the required courses for any quarter exceed the limit on student credit loads as outlined in the Credit Load Limits Policy the student must obtain permission from the academic chairs of both majors.

Students earning a double major must usually complete no fewer than 220 credits. The credit requirement total for double majors is determined by the total of the prerequisite basic proficiency, science, and general education credits, the major core credits in both programs, and any elective credit requirement with defined parameters for one or both majors (for example, 2 activity credits required for exercise science, and wellness majors). Where duplication exists between the two majors, the student is not required to make up the credits represented by the duplication.

Undergraduate Honors at Graduation

Undergraduate students who complete all degree requirements with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.8 or higher are eligible to be awarded honors at graduation