AY5204 Ayurvedic Assessment Lab I

This lab series applies the knowledge gained in the Ayurvedic Foundations series. Students develop the necessary skills, competency and confidence with assessment as they deepen their understanding of the early stages of pathogenesis. Theory and Understanding: The first lab in this series is an introduction to using trividha pariksha (a three-fold diagnostic method of questioning, observation and palpation). Students learn the practices of darshana (observation) of ayurveda in people, groups and environment and an introduction to patient interactions; prashna (questioning) and sparshana (palpation or touch). Developing the skill and competency to assess prakruti/vikruti (state of balance/imbalance), condition of agni (digestive fire), malas (waste), dhatus (tissue) and manas (mind). This course addresses the use of vital signs, blood pressure and a Western medicine concept of pulse, as well as learning to incorporate a daily practice of pulse evaluation.




Admission into the MSAS program or permission of the instructor
