AY5205 Ayurvedic Assessment Lab II

This lab series applies the knowledge gained in the Ayurvedic Foundations series. Students develop the necessary skills, competency and confidence with assessment as they deepen their understanding of the early stages of pathogenesis. Analysis: The second in this lab series promotes an understanding of the use of ashtavidha (eight-fold) and dashividha pariksha (ten-fold evaluation). Students develop skill and competency in using trividha pariksha (three-fold evaluation) including determining the state of dosha (bodily humor), subdosha (subtype of bodily humor), upadhatu (secondary tissue) and srotas (channel). This course includes an introduction to health history and analysis of case studies including pre- and postnatal scenarios within the first three stages of ayurvedic pathogenesis. This course covers the delineation of what is within and beyond the scope of practice at the current level of study, and when to utilize integrative medicine and refer patients to other medical professionals.




AY5120 and AY5204
