President's Welcome

Welcome to Bastyr University where we first opened our doors to educating students over 40 years ago. You are joining an institution that has a long tradition of educating leaders in the natural health arts and sciences. I am excited for you to begin this journey.

You will have many touch points along your path at Bastyr your first lab course, your first patient interview, the first midterm in a challenging course, and many others. Remember to cherish the moments along the way. You will meet fellow students that will become lifelong friends. You will learn things that will shatter pre-conceived notions you hold. You will be tired, you will be ecstatic, you will be proud.

The faculty and staff of Bastyr will be proud of you, too. You will leave Bastyr with a degree or certificate that will provide you with the opportunity to develop professionally in ways you cannot believe. A degree from Bastyr University holds value in the world of natural medicine, and you will have many opportunities to flourish.

My greatest advice to you as you start your journey at Bastyr would be to focus on what you need to learn to be a successful professional in your field. Your teachers are here to be guides and the university has many supports to help you. In the end, YOU are the only person that will form your future and your success. Focus, ask for help along the way, stay positive, and know that you are entering into a family of students, faculty, staff, and alumni that care about you.

I look forward to hearing about your journey and look forward to your successful transition as a professional into the field.

Devin Byrd, PhD
Welcome to Bastyr University