Final Examinations

Final examinations will be given during final examinations week as published in the Bastyr University Catalog. Dates and times for administration of final examinations are determined according to the following criteria:

  • The final examination for each course will be given on the last scheduled class day at the regularly scheduled time. For example, a class that meets Monday and Wednesday from 8 to 9:50 a.m. would have its final examination on Wednesday from 8 to 9:50 a.m. 
  • Instructors who wish to hold their final examinations on a day other than the last scheduled class day may do so only if the time is regularly available for that class.  For example, a class that meets Monday and Wednesday from 8 to 9:50 a.m. may have its final examination on Monday from 8 to 9:50 a.m.
  • Instructors may not combine multiple sections of a course for the purpose of administering a final examination because such combinations result in conflicts with students’ commitments to their clinic schedules.
  • Instructors who require more time for their final examinations than the regular schedule allows must work with the program chair and the registrar to schedule additional time.

The University offers an 11-week quarter with 11 contact hours for every one academic credit. Final examinations week constitutes the eleventh week of the quarter. Therefore, if an in-class or take-home final examination is not given in a particular course, that course will have regular class meeting(s) or appropriate instructional activities during final examinations week.