Medical Emergency Withdrawal

When a student withdraws from the University prior to the end of the sixth week of the quarter, the usual refund policy applies. However, starting in the sixth week and through the eighth week of a quarter, if a student is forced to withdraw from all classes due to a medical emergency, the following policy will apply:

  • The student or her/his representative must provide documentation of the nature and duration of the medical emergency to a committee consisting of the program chair, dean of students and registrar.
  • The grade of “W” will be awarded for all courses. A tuition refund of 50 percent will be given to the student. When the student re-enrolls at the University, s/he must re-register for the course/s. (There is no challenge or competency exam in lieu of original course/s.)

Should the student not re-enroll within eight quarters of the end of the last successfully completed quarter, s/he must apply for readmission. 

After the final day to withdraw in any given quarter, students must submit a request for an incomplete grade if they are forced to leave due to a medical emergency.