Learning Support for New Parents

Modified Academic Responsibilities and Sustained Support 

Students with new children and parenting responsibilities who wish to remain engaged in their coursework and need support meeting their academic responsibilities because of the birth or adoption of their child, or placement of a foster child, may request an academic modification period of up to 12 weeks beginning with the day of birth or day of entry of the child into the home (Phase I). Extensions may be granted where additional time is required due to documented medical necessity.
Bastyr University will continue to make every effort to provide sustained support to students who are new parents as they continue to adjust to their life event until the 24th week after the birth or adoption of a child (Phase II). To qualify for this modified schedule, the student must contact the Student Access Support (SAS) office at least three (3) months before their due date, fill out the required forms, and must also have early and ongoing communication with each individual instructor and/or clinic supervisor about the modified schedule. Once SAS receives notification from the student, SAS will send an email to notify the instructor.

PHASE I. Modified Academic Responsibilities to Support Recovery/Initial Adjustment

Phase I recognizes that students need to take uninterrupted time for the first few weeks after childbirth or adoption for recovery and/or initial adjustment and will therefore need modifications to their academic responsibilities. The modification period occurs during weeks 1 to 12 after childbirth or adoption. Students should notify the Student Access Support office as soon as possible as to when the modification period should begin.

A. Adjustments to Didactic Academic Schedule

The student’s didactic academic schedule will thus be adjusted as follows:

Weeks 1-3
Students who are new parents are not required to be in the classroom or engage with the instructor or course assignments in any way.

Weeks 4 & 5
Students who are new parents return to coursework by either meeting with each instructor or actively engaging in correspondence to determine a make-up schedule for missed work and assignments.

a. If the make-up schedule interferes with the student’s progression (e.g., finals week or submission of final course requirements), then the student must coordinate with Student Affairs, the Department Chair and/or Dean to determine the appropriate timetable for completion of final course requirements.

b. If the timetable for make-up work goes beyond the end of the quarter, a grade of “Incomplete” may be submitted.

Weeks 6 to 9

Students who are new parents attend all classes and follow the make-up schedule as agreed upon.

a. For any concerns with the make-up schedule during this period, the student must meet with the instructor directly. If the issue remains unresolved, the student may bring up the concern to the Department Chair and/or Student Affairs.

b. If the make-up schedule overlaps with the week of final exams or interferes with program progression, then the program Chair and/or the Dean will work with the instructor and student to determine the alternative examination schedule in line with the determined make-up schedule.

Beginning Week 6, new student parents can also receive support (as outlined in Phase II) for lactation needs on campus.

Weeks 10-12

Student/Parents complete all course work and finish any incomplete classes.

B. Adjustments to Clinic Schedule

Bastyr University academic policy requires student clinicians/interns to attend a minimum of 8 shifts in each 11 week quarter in order for the clinical supervisor to have enough time to evaluate the clinician’s/intern’s performance. Student clinicians/interns are allowed to miss 2 shifts per quarter without prior supervisor permission and 1 additional missed shift with prior supervisor permission. Students are expected to find a suitable substitute and provide as much prior notice to their supervisor as possible to ensure continuity of care.
During the modification period, the student’s clinic schedule at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, Bastyr University Clinic – San Diego, or any external site must adhere to existing policy and will be adjusted as follows:

Weeks 1-3
Students who are new parents are not required to engage in clinical learning responsibilities.

a. Students who are new parents may be excused for up to three clinic shifts in one quarter. If those missed shifts occur during the first three weeks after birth/adoption, the student cannot be given a failing grade due to those missed shifts. However, even for an excused absence, the student must make up the hours missed and make arrangements with their supervisor.

b. Students must be in communication with the shift supervisor upon notifying Student Affairs of their decision to be on the modified academic schedule to confirm which shifts would be potentially missed.

Weeks 4 through 12
Students who are new parents return to engagement with their clinic supervisor. They should meet and determine a plan with their supervisor for return to clinical learning, depending upon recovery needs.
Due to the nature of the clinical experience, any student who typically misses more than three shifts in a quarter is at risk of failing the shift for the quarter.

a. If there are more than three (3) absences this period of the modified schedule, the students must work with the program and their supervisor(s) to ensure that they meet the program's clinical requirements.

b. For the purposes of academic modification from Weeks 4 through 12 pursuant to this policy, if the student who is a new parent accrues more than three (3) excused absences, the student is required to consult with their clinic lead or supervisor to determine how to obtain credit for hours completed, which may involve a continuation of their clinical rotation during a future quarter, a conversion of hours to substitute shift hours, or a reasonable option determined by their program.

c. Students are responsible for finding substitutes for the shifts they will miss while on the modified schedule. In preparation for their planned absence due to birth or adoption, students must work with their clinic supervisor at least before the expected arrival of the child to identify potential substitutes for their shifts.

d. Students who return to clinical learning responsibilities will be able to take lactation breaks as necessary, following the guidelines on lactation breaks this policy.

PHASE II Sustained Support for Didactic Courses and Laboratory Classes

Weeks 13-24

Bastyr University will continue to make every effort to provide sustained support to students who are new parents as they continue to adjust to their life event until the 24th week after the birth or adoption of a child.
Sustained support for didactic and laboratory courses may include the following:

a. Course Requests to Address Childcare Issues

a.1. Students who are adjusting to childcare issues and demonstrate a need for a schedule that better suits their adjustment to new parental obligations may contact the Student Access Support as soon as possible during the registration period to request an accommodation to enroll in or attend a class with a schedule that works for them.

a.2. Student Access Support and the Dean will review the request. If there is a demonstrated need, the SAS and Dean will try to identify a class section suitable for the student, upon active consultation with the faculty member.

a.3 The final decision will depend on the availability of classes.

b. Lactation Breaks

b.1. Students who are lactating and attending didactic courses or labs may take lactation breaks during class. (See provisions on lactation breaks in this policy.)

b.2. Students who are lactating and attending clinical shifts may take lactation breaks during shifts. (See provisions on lactation breaks in this policy.)

c. Remote Attendance

c.1 The learning experience of didactic and laboratory classes designed to be in person cannot be replicated with remote attendance. Since instructors for in person courses are not expected to provide a hybrid mode of instruction, remote attendance for such courses cannot always be provided. However, when available for specific lecture classes or when the instructor can provide remote access, remote attendance may be arranged with advanced notice to and in consultation with the instructor.

c.2. Online classes conducted with the use of a video conferencing platform may be audio or video recorded for the benefit of the student who is a new parent. The student must inform the instructor in writing of the need for the absence ahead of time (at least 24 hours if possible) to arrange for and gain access to the recording.

d. Notetaking and Recording

d.1 Notetaking assistance may be provided upon request by the student who is a new parent for non-laboratory or practical classes.

d.2 The request for notetaking support must be provided to Student Access Support in writing by the student at least one week before the quarter begins. If Phase II for the student starts in the middle of the quarter, the request must be made at least one week before Phase II begins.

d.3 Students who are new parents and are on a modified academic schedule may be permitted to record classes missed, with the permission of the instructor. The student may request a recording device from Student Access Support.