Reasonable Accommodation For Pregnant Students


The benefits and services provided to students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical conditions.
Students with pregnancy-related disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodation to the extent provided under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study or research.
Any student in need of accommodation related to pregnancy is encouraged to contact the Student Access Support Coordinator. Reasonable accommodations, such as modification to seating, mobility support, and extended deadlines due to pregnancy-related issues must be requested through the Student Access Support (SAS) Coordinator and each request must include documentation of the accommodation need from the students’ health care provider.


Lactating students will be granted reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. Nursing or lactation rooms are provided at specified locations at the Kenmore and San Diego campuses, as well as the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle and the Bastyr California Clinic.

Section 1. Didactic Courses

1.1 Place and Duration of Break. Students who are lactating may be allowed to step out of class for lactation breaks in the designated campus lactation rooms, to express or pump breast milk. Following the recommended and average times for pumping breast milk, the lactation break (not including time for pre- and post-set up) may be between 15 to 30 minutes.
Pursuant to University policy on children not being permitted in classrooms, lactating students who need to nurse their infants on campus during a class period may do so by taking a lactation break with their infant in a designated lactation room. While the lactating student is in class, the infant must, at all times, be accompanied by a guardian outside the classroom.

1.2 Coverage of Missed Material. Students who take lactation breaks during a class period remain responsible for material missed because of their temporary absence.

1.2.1 To assist in covering missed portions of a class, lactating students may request an audio recorder from Student Affairs as an additional resource and may be permitted to record the portion of the class missed during the lactation break, with the knowledge of the instructor.

1.2.2 The instructor must support the student in identifying other possible ways to access the materials or content missed during that lactation break including, but not limed to, providing access to the learning management system, sharing presentation slides, or facilitating peer notetaking support when needed.

1.3 Course Examinations and Tests

1.3.1 Pursuant to the Examination Policy of the University, students must take exams at the regularly scheduled examination times. Lactating students are advised to take their lactation break before or after the examination is administered. If, however, the student expects to take a lactation break before the end of the examination period, the student should directly inform the instructor or proctor before the exam begins to determine a plan for the lactation break.

1.3.2 If the student needs to take a lactation break during the examination period, the student may be permitted to do so following the agreed upon plan or guidelines set by the instructor or proctor before the examination.

1.3.3 If the student is given extended time to complete the examination due to the lactation break, the instructor or proctor will continue to administer the examination at the same venue or proceed to continue administration of the examination at the appointed Student Access testing room.

Section 2. Clinic Shifts/Labs

2.1 Place and Duration of Break. Students who are lactating are allowed to take a lactation break during a lab or clinic shift in designated lactation rooms to express or pump breast milk. Following the recommended and average times for pumping breast milk, the lactation break (not counting the time needed to go to the lactation room) may be between 15 to 30 minutes.

2.2 Determining Shift Assignments. Students who are lactating and who expect to be assigned to clinic shifts must be assigned to a clinic shift or rotation where an additional primary student clinician is present. An additional primary student clinician is necessary to ensure continuity of care if the lactating student must leave for a lactation break and needs coverage during a shift.

2.2.1 Upon registration for the quarter, the student must notify the Office of the Registrar of their expectation for lactation breaks during clinic shifts. This will allow for the student to be scheduled for an appropriate clinic shift or rotation by the Registrar. The Registrar will then inform the clinic supervisor of such an assignment.

2.2.2 After registration, the student must coordinate with the clinic supervisor before the quarter begins to discuss specific adjustments to shifts and identify a plan for coverage that takes into account lactation breaks as needed.

2.3 Continuity of Patient Care During Shift. When with a patient during a shift, clinicians are expected to stay throughout the patient interview and examination process. If the student expects that they will be unable to complete the patient appointment or exam due to a needed lactation break, the student should not begin the appointment with the patient and must inform the clinic supervisor to ensure coverage. They can participate as a secondary or assisting clinician/intern, but cannot take the role of primary for that patient appointment.

2.3.1 In order not to disrupt patient care during the shift, the student and the supervisor must meet to identify a work plan guided by the following:

a. Number of expected breaks per four-hour shift

b. Expected length of breaks

c. Additional student clinicians on shift

d. Coverage protocol

2.4 Effect on Clinical Shift Requirements. The time spent by a student for lactation breaks may necessarily lead to a reduction in the time/hours earned on a shift where a break was taken
The student will deduct any time related to their lactation break(s) from the four hours they would ordinarily enter into E*Value.

2.4.1. To stay on track with clinical shift requirements, lactating students will need to make up for the time taken for lactation breaks during a shift. They may make up for this time by signing up for a sub shift with notice to the supervisor according to current sub shift policy. The hours can be completed in advance of expected time off or lost.

2.4.2 If the student needs to or expects to take a lactation break during a sub shift, arrangements must be made with the supervisor in advance.

2.5 Children at Clinic Shifts. In the interest of safety, children are not allowed to attend clinic shifts with parents unless they are being seen as a patient and accompanied by a guardian. Lactating students are not allowed to bring their infants or children to clinic lactation rooms when on shift.