AY6109 Language of Ayurveda III

This series provides entry into the content and use of the advanced ayurvedic sutras (ayurvedic writings that condense vast amounts of medical information into concise phrases) in the original language of ayurveda using the Sanskrit characters. Students develop the ability to read and write in Sanskrit and learn simple grammar for the purpose of deeper understanding and use of the ayurvedic sutras in both written and oral forms. This series also provides an introduction to the vast collection of classic texts from which the sutras come. This course develops the ability to read and write the Sanskrit alphabet in its original script and refines proper pronunciation. The course also covers the content and use of advanced ayurvedic sutras that describe how to recognize the later stages of ayurvedic systemic pathology and how to regain health. Additionally, this course covers applicable grammar helpful in reading and understanding the ayurvedic sutras and corresponding terminology.




