AY6412 Ayurvedic Therapeutics Lab I

This series provides training, skill development, and competency in developing and using all ayurvedic therapies covered in the Ayurvedic Therapies series to help regain balance from any stage of the ayurvedic pathogenesis model. Inherent are discussions on when to work with a patient and/or refer out to other medical professionals. This course teaches students to extend ayurvedic-level therapies for application to specific disease states: lifestyles, pranayama (breathing therapies), meditation, marma pressure point) therapy, shamana chikista (palliation therapy) and brimhana (tonification) therapies. Developing skill in using shodhana chikitsa (cleansing therapy), purva karma (preparatory action), pradhaana karma (primary action), pashcaat karma (follow-up action) and rasaayana (rejuvenation).




