AY6408 Ayurvedic Herbology III

This series develops the skills and competency to safely recommend predesigned herbal medicines, minerals and other natural substances for internal or external use with consideration of the matra (dose), anupana (vehicle) and ausadha kala (timing) for the purpose of balancing agni (digestive fire), eliminating ama (toxins) while supporting the malas (waste) and protecting and building ojas (vitality), and treating disease. Students develop the skill and competency to prescribe, compound, dispense, and administer herbal medicines, minerals, or other natural substances. Students learn how herbs may also be used for treating specific diseases affecting any dhatu (tissue), upadhatu (secondary tissue), malas (waste) or srotas (channels) in any stage of the disease pathology, including disease pathologies in pre-/post-natal women. This course covers indications and contraindications, interactions with common pharmaceuticals and interactions with common medical and dental procedures. The second course in this series provides a deeper understanding of herbs and minerals used for ayurvedic systemic pathologies, single herbs, multi-herb combinations, interactions, anupan (drink after taking medicine), timing, and agni (digestive fire). Students develop the skill and competency to safely design and recommend herbal medicines, minerals and other natural substances for internal or external use with consideration of the matra (dose), anupana (vehicle) and ausadha kala (timing) for the purpose of balancing agni, eliminating ama (toxins) while supporting the malas (waste) and protecting and building ojas (vitality), and treating disease.




