PS4801 External Practicum/Service Learning 1

In the first quarter of this two-course sequence, students participate in an experiential learning placement in which they work on a defined project, typically within the context of a health or human service agency. The exact placement is guided by student interests and availability of community-based mentors willing to provide guidance throughout this applied experience. At least one placement option is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to work directly or indirectly with elders within the context of nursing homes, home- or community-based support programs or advocacy organizations. Students are expected to complete a specific project designed to support the mission of the placement agency and to help the individuals or families served by the agency. During the course of the practicum experience, students should apply their skills in the areas of human development, non-profit management, social interventions, social advocacy and other relevant topics. In the first course in this sequence, students focus on administrative and management activities, and in the second course they focus more on direct program delivery. In both classes, students are assessed based on their contributions to the agency with feedback from their practicum supervisors.




PS3136, PS3137, PS 4101, and PS4134