Affiliate Faculty Appointments

The designation of affiliate faculty may be awarded by a school dean to high-yield preceptors, guest lecturers, or academicians who make substantial contributions to the education of Bastyr University students in academic, research, or clinical educational settings.

Affiliate appointments are awarded annually effective each September 1 and shall be reconsidered each year by the appropriate administrator of the program/department in which they are held, who will then provide a written recommendation to the dean. Affiliate faculty members are not ranked by the Appointment and Promotion Committee (APC) nor are they considered to have faculty rank at Bastyr University. (Some preceptors may also be adjunct faculty members, providing teaching or clinical supervision services for which they are paid.)

Individuals who hold ranked faculty appointments at other institutions of higher education and contribute substantially to the educational, clinical, or research activities of Bastyr University may be eligible to be awarded the title of “affiliate,” preceding their regular ranked title (e.g., affiliate associate professor, if the individual is ranked as an associate professor at the primary institution). Bastyr University does not award ranked faculty appointments to individuals other than those comprising the core faculty at the University.

Individuals who are awarded either version of the affiliate faculty designation will receive a letter of appointment from the school dean.