Graduation Ceremony Participation

Diplomas are awarded upon satisfactory completion of all program requirements (as printed in the catalog at the time of matriculation) and meeting all financial obligations to the University. Although participation in the annual June commencement ceremony does not guarantee or constitute a confirmation of graduation status or of the actual awarding of a degree, students may participate in the annual June graduation ceremony prior to completing degree requirements subject to the following: 

  • Early graduation participants must be in good academic standing and have the approval of their dean and program chair two months prior to the ceremony.
  • All students must have a verifiable plan to complete all didactic, clinical, internship, and preceptorship requirements no later than the end of the calendar year in which the June ceremony is held.
  • For thesis students, the chair of the thesis committee must certify two months prior to the ceremony that the student is on track to complete their thesis requirements by the end of the calendar year in which the June graduation ceremony is held.

It is the responsibility of the dean and chair of each school and department to enforce this policy regarding early participation in the annual graduation ceremony. Any exceptions must be approved by the dean and communicated to the registrar’s office two months prior to the graduation ceremony in which the student will participate so that the commencement program can reflect the student’s participation status. 

Students who fulfill all program requirements during summer or fall quarter and who did not participate in the graduation ceremony prior to the awarding of their degrees may participate in the following graduation ceremony by notifying the dean of students of their intent at least two months prior to the June ceremony date.