Competency Examinations

Competency examinations are available when there is evidence on a student's official transcript of coursework completed in an area of study but the competencies, level of material, or accreditation of the institution granting the original credit is in question. Competency examinations are also available when the age of the coursework exceeds the guidelines in the Transfer Credit Policy. Competency examinations are not available when the coursework in question was completed at Bastyr University. Exceptions are possible for students who have withdrawn from a Bastyr program, and who are returning after several years away from the program, (See the Academic Withdrawal Policy for details.)

Application to take a competency examination must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and approved by the department/program chair and the faculty member responsible for teaching the subject matter and administering the competency examination. Approval is contingent on the student’s academic record, the nature of the request, and course content.

All competency examinations must be completed no later than one month prior to the beginning of the quarter in which the course is being taught. Entering students must complete competency examinations for first quarter coursework by the end of orientation week and will need to make arrangements to comply with this requirement well in advance of the start of fall quarter.

A student is allowed only one opportunity to take a competency examination for each course. Nonmatriculated students are not eligible to take competency examinations.

The cost of a competency examination is listed in the tuition and fees section of the University catalog. The competency examination fee is not refundable. If a student fails the competency examination, they must register and pay the full price of tuition for the course. If a student satisfactorily completes the examination, they will be awarded as transferred or waived of credits in accordance with the Transfer Credit Policy.

Procedure for Arranging a Competency Examination

A student who wishes to take a competency examination must complete the following steps:

  • Complete a petition to transfer or waive credit for required coursework and obtain all required signatures. The petition can be obtained from the registrar’s office. The advising/evaluation staff in the registrar’s office will review the petition and make a recommendation to the department/program chair regarding the request for transfer or waiver of credit.
  • If the request for transfer or waiver of credit requires a competency examination, complete all sections of the competency examination request form, available from the registrar’s office. The form must include the catalog number of the course for which the competency exam will be administered and all required signatures.
  • Submit the completed form to the registrar’s office, which will prepare an invoice for the competency examination fee.
  • Pay the fee and retain proof of payment.
  • Make an appointment to take the competency exam with the designated faculty member. Proof of payment must be presented before testing can be scheduled.
  • Take the examination as scheduled.

The faculty member administering the exam will advise the student of their grade and submit the completed competency examination form to the registrar’s office.