New Degree Programs at Bastyr University

New degree program development is primarily the responsibility of the school dean and/or department chair and faculty of existing departments, although the University may seek/receive ideas for new academic programs from external sources. Individuals wishing to help develop a new degree program should first discuss their ideas with the dean/department chair. If the dean/department chair believes that the program is feasible, they will direct the individual to the provost for further discussion. Approval and funding to undertake an academic risk analysis and/or market study to determine if the proposed program is likely to be successful must be obtained in advance from the provost.

The provost meets with the University president to discuss the program before designating the appropriate individual to complete, with input from marketing and admissions, an academic risk analysis and/or market study for any new degree program curriculum. In addition, as the proposed program progresses through the approval process, the department confers on a regular basis with marketing and admissions on the development of program promotion materials and time lines.

The academic risk analysis must be presented to the appropriate school curriculum review committee for review. If the school CRC endorses the proposal, the dean/chair supporting the proposal must consult with the faculty and chairs of other programs that may interface or overlap with the proposed program along with the registrar and the admissions director to consider instructional, implementation, and funding concerns.

Proposals for new degree programs must be presented to Academic Council for review and discussion in order to advance to Academic Leadership Council (ALC). ALC, in turn, recommends that the provost approve advancement of the proposed program to the University CRC. 

The dean, department chair, or designee submits signed course proposal forms for each new course to the University CRC. If the new degree program involves any possible crossover or overlap with any other University program, the appropriate dean/department chair must be directly consulted prior to the University CRC meeting. The school/department designee representing the new program at CRC meetings should review all requirements outlined in CRC policy (p.10) well in advance to prevent delays in this segment of the review process.

After University CRC review, the provost presents the new degree program proposal to President’s Cabinet and the Academic Affairs Committee. The Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for recommending new program proposals to the University Board of Trustees for approval to proceed with accreditation and implementation.

The academic department is responsible for working with the appropriate University offices to complete a draft program proposal that conforms to NWCCU standards, as outlined under “Standards and Policies.” The provost is responsible for submitting the final program prospectus to NWCCU for approval. If the new degree program requires professional accreditation, the dean/chair must work with the provost to coordinate submission requirements. NWCCU as well as the professional accrediting association must provide final approval prior to active new program promotion, student recruitment, and implementation.