Grade Appeals

The grade appeal process provides a confidential, fair, and timely means for a student to appeal a grade. The intent is to promote a spirit of conciliation and mutual respect between students and faculty members.

Ultimate responsibility for integrity of grading belongs to the University as an institution. Faculty members routinely act as agents for the University in evaluating student academic performance and in assigning final grades.

The burden of proof lies with a student who is appealing a grade. However, every student has a right to know the criteria for performance evaluation applied in a course and the system of grading used by the instructor. This information must be included in the syllabus provided to students early in the quarter. The instructor has an obligation to award grades on the basis of rational, objective evaluation of each student’s performance.

Questions of judgment concerning course content, instructional methods, and appropriateness of performance standards are not subject to review by this process. Questions about the application of general University policies are also beyond the scope of this process but may be addressed to the appropriate administrative department. This process does not apply to academic dismissals from the University (see separate academic policy/procedure).

A student who remediates a PC grade to an AC status may still appeal the original grade. Students must initiate grade appeals with the faculty member providing the course and follow the process as stated below.

Once the student has started the process and met the time lines, no grade will be changed until the appeal process is complete. If the student fails to initiate the appeal process within the proscribed time limits or fails to follow this sequence of instructions, the right to proceed with the appeal process is forfeited for that specific grade appeal.


Students must initiate grade appeals with the program or department providing the course. The prefix designation of the course number signifies the department/program offering the course.

  • Step 1 When a student wants to contest a grade given by an instructor, the student must arrange an initial appointment with the instructor to permit the instructor to explain the evaluation that led to the grade and to allow the student to explain the nature of the appeal. The formal conference must take place no later than 5 p.m. on Friday of the first week of the following quarter (including summer quarter). All discussions and decisions rendered during the formal meeting will be documented by the faculty member.
  • Step 2  If the issue is not resolved between the student and faculty member within five (5) working days, the next step is for the student to submit a written request to the department chair or lead faculty member of the program. If the faculty member is the chair of the department, the person handling the appeal will be selected on a case-by-case basis by the provost. The request must clearly state the student’s reason(s) for appealing the grade received, clearly state the reason(s) for appealing the decision of the faculty member, and include any other supporting documentation. After reviewing the documentation that chronicles the discussion and decisions reached in the initial meeting between the student and faculty member, the department chair or lead faculty member will meet with the student and faculty member to consider both perspectives and analyze the issue. The department chair or lead faculty member will render a decision regarding the appeal of grade and inform the student and faculty member in writing within five (5) working days after the meeting. In the event that the appeal of grade comes forward the week prior to a holiday or quarter break in which classes are not in session, the issue should be resolved by the fifth day after classes resume. All discussions and decisions rendered will be documented by the department chair or lead faculty member.
  • Step 3 If the appeal of grade is unable to be resolved by the department chair or lead faculty member within five (5) working days or if either the student or faculty member disagrees with the course of action proposed by the department chair or lead faculty member, an appeal may be made in writing to the dean of the appropriate school, if applicable, or to the provost within 10 working days. If no appeal is made within that time, the action proposed by the department chair or lead faculty member shall become final. The student must submit a written request to the dean of the school offering documentation that clearly states the issue and reason(s) for the appeal of grade. In turn, the faculty member must submit to the dean their reasons for disputing the department chair or lead faculty member decision. After also reading the documentation from the meetings between the student and faculty member and between the student and department chair or lead faculty member, the dean will meet with the student, faculty member, and department chair or lead faculty member to hear each person’s perspective and analyze the issue. The dean will render a decision and inform the student, faculty member, and department chair or lead faculty member in writing within five (5) working days after the meeting. In the event that this issue comes forward the week prior to a holiday or quarter break in which classes are not in session, the issue will be resolved by the fifth day after classes resume. The decision of the dean is binding and not subject to further appeal. All discussions and decisions rendered will be documented by the dean.

If the program does not have a lead department chair or lead faculty member, or if the department chair is the instructor, the student should go directly to the dean of the program.

If the instructor is the dean of the program, the student should go directly to the provost. The provost will meet with the student and the dean, document the discussion, and render a decision within five (5) working days. The decision of the provost is binding and not subject to further appeal.

Clinical Grade Appeals

Clinical grade appeals will proceed in a similar way and will follow the same time guidelines. Students will first address their concerns with the supervising clinical faculty member. If the issue is not resolved, students will then contact the department chair of the appropriate program. If the issue remains unresolved, the student is then to contact the appropriate academic clinic administrator of the school offering the course. The student must start the process and meet the time lines, and no grade will be changed until the appeal process is complete.