Undergraduate Degree Programs

For the undergraduate degree programs, a student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order to remain in good standing. Any required course in which a student receives a grade of F must be repeated.

The letter grading system for nutrition, exercise science, herbal sciences, integrated human biology, and health psychology undergraduate programs* is as follows:

A 95 percent-100 percent or 4.0
A- 90 percent-94.9 percent or 3.7
B+ 87 percent-89.9 percent or 3.3
B 83 percent-86.9 percent or 3.0
B- 80 percent-82.9 percent or 2.7
C+ 77 percent-79.9 percent or 2.3
C 73 percent-76.9 percent or 2.0
C-* 70 percent-72.9 percent or 1.7
D+* 67 percent-69.9 percent or 1.3
D* 63 percent-66.9 percent or 1.0
D-* 60 percent-62.9 percent or 0.7
F Below 60 percent or 0.0
AC Achieved Competency – for clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach, and practical courses
PC Partial Competency – for clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach, and practical courses
I Incomplete – personal emergency or serious illness
W Withdrawn – A withdrawal form must be completed, signed, and filed in the registrar’s office at least three weeks before the end of a given quarter. The W grade is transcripted for all course withdrawals after the first week of the quarter (with the exception of courses that have not yet met).
AW Administrative Withdrawal
IP In Progress – for didactic courses, clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach, clinic preparation, clinic entry, senior year projects, practical courses, and module programs that meet only once, and the meeting is after the eighth week of the quarter.
N No Grade
CE Challenge Examination
NS No Show
AU Audit
WV Waived

For explanation of grading terms, see above.

*It should be noted that while a C-, D+, D and D- grades are passing, some courses require a C grade for professional standards.